
From colds to insomnia: 6 natural remedies

There are natural remedies for countless problems. Homemade remedies are especially used to fight sore throats, coughs and colds. For small injuries and even sleep disturbances, homemade preparations can also be helpful.

In the following, we’ll introduce you to 6 home remedies that have not only been proven to work against colds, but also work wonders for insomnia and even for healing wounds.

1. Ginger and Coca-Cola drink

On the work plan:

  • Ginger
  • Coca Cola
  • 1 C. to s. honey

At work !

If you’re feeling really sick and can’t get up for nothing, a revitalizing Coke and ginger drink will help. Cut the ginger into thick slices and boil them with Coca-Cola. Filter the liquid and refine it with a little honey. True, this combination looks very unusual, but it works wonders: a glass of this remedy and you will immediately feel better.

Ginger and cola drink© Media Partisans

2. Restful sleep

On the work plan:

  • 20 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil
  • 20 drops of coconut oil
  • Small bottle with spray or roll-on

At work !

Do you keep turning over in bed every night because you can’t fall asleep? So this elixir is your remedy. Just mix the specified oils in a small bottle and apply them on the inside of your wrists and on your neck before bed. The essential oils will calm you down and help you fall asleep quickly and wake up feeling great the next morning.

elixir against insomnia© Media Partisans

3. Candy for sore throat

On the work plan:

  • Ginger
  • 2 glasses of water
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 C. to s. honey
  • 4 tbsp. to s. gelatin
  • Ice tray

At work !

Sore throats are really bad! However, you don’t have to endure them forever. Just cut the ginger into thick slices and boil them in water for 20 minutes. Strain the liquid and mix it with lemon juice, honey and gelatin. Pour the mixture into an ice cube tray and wait for it to cool and solidify. Remove the candies from the mold and eat them at regular intervals, you will notice from the first candy how beneficial this home remedy is for your throat.

Candy for sore throat© Media Partisans

4. Fight colds and fever at night

On the work plan:

At work !

A bad cold accompanied by fever spoils your day? Just cut an onion into thick slices and place one in each of your socks overnight. The warmth of your socks will allow your body to absorb the anti-inflammatory substances in the bunion overnight, which will make you feel much better the next morning.

Fight colds and fever at night© Media Partisans

5. Stop a runny nose

On the work plan:

At work !

It sounds completely absurd, but it really works: if you have a runny nose, grab an ice cube and press it against your palate with your tongue. The cold causes the blood vessels to contract and the nose to clear immediately. Try it, you will see!

ice cube against runny nose© Media Partisans

6. Homemade wound healing ointment

On the work plan:

  • Daisies
  • Oil
  • 1 C. to s. beeswax
  • 1 C. to s. lanolin
  • Optional: essential oil

At work !

Bumps and scratches, in everyday life, we constantly get small wounds. But it is not necessary to buy an ointment from the pharmacy to help them heal. You can easily make it yourself, even from natural ingredients.

Dry a handful of daisies overnight. Then put them in a jar with oil and heat the mixture in a water bath at 40 ° C for 2 hours. Once cool, close the jar and let the mixture steep for three days. Strain the liquid and return it to the jar. Return the jar to a double boiler and melt the beeswax and lanolin in it. Then add an essential oil of your choice for a pleasant scent and allow the mixture to cool and become a little more solid.

The components of daisies have a positive effect on wound healing. It is better to always have a jar of homemade healing ointment at home, your wounds will not stand a chance in the future.

ointment against bruises© Media Partisans

With these 6 recipes, you can easily treat a nasty sore throat, a persistent cold, insomnia or painful wounds. In the future, avoid going to the drugstore and make your own home remedies, which will not only save you money, but also make you feel good and calm.

Here you will find other ideas for home remedies and DIY:

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