
7 unusual cooking methods

Are you one of those people who can’t stand spending time in the kitchen after a day’s work? But are you still greedy and like to snack a lot? The trick is there! Here are 7 express preparations for maximum pleasure in minimum time, follow the guide:

1. Express guacamole

In the kitchen :

  • Zip bag
  • Lawyer
  • Onion
  • Tomato
  • Parsley
  • Lemon
  • Salt and pepper

At work !

Put the avocado, tomatoes and onion, cut into pieces, with parsley, lemon, salt and pepper in a zip-top bag, close it and mash it all with your hands. When you get a homogeneous mass, cut a hole in a corner of the bag and squeeze the guacamole out of the bag. It’s ready !

© Media Partisans

2. Express brownie

In the kitchen :

  • Brownie dough
  • Paper bag
  • Nuts
  • Microwave

At work !

Pour the batter into the paper bag and add the chopped nuts. Close the bag and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes at 600 watts. Your brownie is ready.

© Media Partisans

3. Express dumplings

In the kitchen :

  • Egg dough
  • Ladle
  • Gas stove
  • Cooked minced meat
  • Chopsticks

At work !

Pour some egg batter into the ladle and pour it back into a bowl, leaving only a thin layer in the ladle. Hold the ladle over the flame of your gas stove, top with minced meat and fold the egg dough with chopsticks to get the typical dumpling shape.

© Media Partisans

4. Omelet with chips

In the kitchen :

  • Crumbs of crisps
  • Grated cheese
  • Parsley
  • Tomato
  • Onion
  • 2 eggs

At work !

Add the grated cheese, chopped tomato, onion, parsley and 2 egg crumbs to the bag of chips. Close the pouch and shake it vigorously so that all the ingredients combine. Now place it in boiling water and after a short time you can squeeze a delicious omelet out of it. Cut the omelet into small pieces and enjoy!

© Media Partisans

5. Thin pancakes

In the kitchen :

  • Pie pan
  • Pancake batter
  • Stove
  • Gas stove

At work !

Place the dough in a shallow dish and lightly dip the back of a pan in it. Then place it over the flame of the gas stove so that the dough cooks. Your pancakes are ready in just a few moments.

© Media Partisans

6. Juicy chicken

In the kitchen :

  • Can of beer
  • Herbs
  • Chicken

At work !

Open the can of beer and add the finely chopped herbs. Now put the chicken on the can and bake everything at 175 ° C for 40 minutes. Your meat will be very juicy.

© Media Partisans

7. Original popcorn

In the kitchen :

  • Hair straightener
  • Corn kernels

At work !

Place the corn kernel on the hotplate of your straightener and wait a while. The kernels will turn into popcorn with the heat.

© Media Partisans

These cooking and preparation methods are unusual, but they always work! Have fun !

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