
9 tips for fall | DIY ideas for fall

Some prefer summer with its long evenings and warm nights, others prefer the darker and cooler seasons, where one can get comfortable and stay warm at home. When it’s raining outside, you have plenty of time to let off steam in a creative way. Here are 9 fall tips that won’t let you get bored. We will show you how easy it is to make your own fall decorations and how to knit a scarf without needles.

1. A bright fall decoration for your living room made from leaves

Everything is not only gray, dull and dreary in autumn, on the contrary! Autumn is also the beauty of the colors that intermingle and the creations they inspire. Here is a DIY idea that will allow you to bring a little original touch to your interior with fallen leaves.

chalkboard with fallen leaves© Media Partisans

2. From a balloon wrapped in paper, a beautiful autumn decoration is born

Fall decorations are not the ones we think of first to make a good impression and yet, between chestnuts, chestnuts… and pumpkins, we are served! But instead of requisitioning this vegetable for decoration instead of eating it, here’s how to make your own pumpkin with the means at hand.

pumpkins diy© Media Partisans

3. Knit a plaid without a needle

In winter, we want warmth and comfort: turn on the heating, make a hot chocolate and stretch out on the sofa. All that’s missing is a hand-knitted XXL blanket to be in cozy heaven!

plaid xxl without needles© Media Partisans

4-5. Crafts made from fallen leaves, glue, a bowl and autumn light

In the fall, the days get colder and the evenings longer. It is therefore the perfect context to embark on a decoration that will please young and old alike. Take a walk in the fresh air to pick up the fallen leaves, and on your return, engage in these beautiful manual activities!

For the candles and the salad bowl, it’s here.

salad bowl with dead leaves© Media Partisans

6-7. 2 creative ideas: a wooden coat rack and a wool collar

The days are getting shorter and colder and we are starting to spend more time indoors than outdoors. Here are two ideas for occupying your free time at home while making practical things: a coat rack and a wool collar.

coat rack with branches© Media Partisans

8. 12 different ways to wear a scarf or handkerchief

Autumn has set in and the temperatures that go with it seem to take their ease. We bring out the scarves and scarves for the occasion. But rather than sticking to your traditional knot, here are 12 ways to tie it up that will allow you to vary your style.

12 ways to wear a scarf© Media Partisans

9. An easy decorating trick just with a maple leaf

Autumn is the season of golden leaves. But instead of leaving these colors for the exterior, bring them into your interior! To offer or to keep as a cup for storage, jewelry, coins, this little artisanal work will enchant your rainy Sundays.

leaf cups© Media Partisans

And you, are you more of the sun lover or leaf collector? Whatever season you feel most comfortable in, these 9 tips for fall will entertain and delight even those who don’t like the cold!

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