
7 brilliant tips with balloons that everyone should know

It doesn’t sound like that, but you can make a lot of things with balloons. Whether it’s a homemade confetti cannon, individually decorated balloons, or a gadget to wow kids. So here are seven brilliant ideas with balloons:

1. Homemade confetti cannon

In the workshop :

  • Balloon
  • Toilet paper roll
  • Double-sided adhesive tape
  • Gift wrap
  • Confetti

At work !

1.1 Cut off the top of the balloon.

cut the top of the balloon© Media Partisans

1.2 Place the balloon with the opening just made on a roll of toilet paper.

put the ball on the toilet paper roll© Media Partisans

1.3 Secure the balloon to the toilet paper roll with double-sided tape; also cover the rest of the toilet paper roll with double-sided tape.

cover the roll with adhesive tape© Media Partisans

1.4 Remove the cover from the double-sided adhesive tape and cover it with wrapping paper.

put the wrapping paper on the adhesive tape© Media Partisans

1.5 Fill the toilet paper roll with confetti. Briefly pull on the balloon and release it to rain the confetti.

confetti cannon© Media Partisans

The special thing about this confetti cannon is that you can reuse it: just fill it again with confetti.

2. Give a personal touch to the balloons

Just decorate the balloons with duct tape to make them look unique: perfect for your next party!

cover the balloon with duct tape© Media Partisans

3. Close jars

Want to close a jar but don’t have a lid? Just inflate a balloon, place it over the opening of the glass and let the air escape, and your jar will be sealed.

use a balloon to close a jar© Media Partisans

4. Confetti in a balloon

The confetti in the transparent balloons is beautiful. However, if you are filling confetti in transparent balloons yourself, you should charge the closed balloon with static electricity with a cloth by rubbing it on the surface of the balloon. This way the confetti spreads inside the balloon and sticks to the inner wall. It’s much better than if the confetti flew through the inside of the balloon and formed a pile.

confetti in a balloon© Media Partisans

5. Bubbles in a balloon

This trick is especially popular with children. Put toothpaste in an uninflated balloon and tie it up.

fill a balloon with toothpaste© Media Partisans

Then place a net around the balloon and squeeze the balloon through the stitches so that bubbles form.

squeeze the balloon into a net to make bubbles© Media Partisans

The great thing about this idea is that kids can easily make it on their own!

6. Fire resistant ball

Something to impress the little ones by making a fireproof ball.

Warning : this trick should only be performed by children in the presence of adults!

Pour a little water into a balloon before inflating it. Then hold the balloon over a flame so that the water is at the bottom and the balloon will not burst!

put a little water in a balloon to make it fireproof© Media Partisans

7. Balloon that does not burst

This little trick will also amaze children, because you don’t pop your balloon while puncturing it with a wooden skewer. How? ‘Or’ What ? Just push the skewer into the balloon as slowly as possible, the balloons will only burst if punctured quickly.

slowly pierce the ball© Media Partisans

Balloons offer so many possibilities! With a few creative ideas, they can turn into something extra special in no time that will delight young and old.

In the video you can also see what else you can do with balloons: for example, inflate them with plastic bottles, use them as ice cubes, make beautiful dragon eggs, a decorative container or a lampshade.

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