
19 spooky Halloween ideas: recipes, makeup and decorations

When the outside temperatures drop, the leaves change color and the wind starts knocking them off the trees, that means the scariest party of the year is not far away!

Around the world, October 31 is the favorite day of horror fans: they decorate their homes in spooky ways, make costumes and make-up that give goosebumps, and then celebrate a happy holiday with family or friends. in a macabre atmosphere.

Do you have a Halloween party planned this year and are still looking for ideas? Then you have come to the right place. We’re going to show you the 19 best Halloween ideas: recipes, makeup, decorations and costumes: it’s all there!

1. Edible worms

At Halloween parties, we always try to be more spooky or disgusting. How about a few worms on the plate?
All you need are straws, hot cream, gelatin powder and sheets, and water. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Then, place a handful of straws upright in a glass and tie a rubber band around them to hold them together. Pour the red liquid through the straws into the glass and let it cool overnight. The next day, take the hardened mixture out of the glass with a knife and squeeze the mixture out of the straws one by one. These gooey worms look disgusting but they taste tasty.

You can also find the different steps in the video above.

edible worms© Media Partisans

2. A head in a jar

The fog thickens, the air is getting colder and heavy and disturbing noises are heard in the half-light… boo! It’s almost Halloween! The darkest time of the year arrives next week with its share of little monsters and ghosts who roam more and more the streets in France. To stay in the mood, here is a decorative idea that will surprise rascals who dare to knock on your door. Knock Knock ! Trick or treat ?!

Find the jar head instructions here.

jar head© Media Partisans

3. Carve a pumpkin

There is one thing that should never be missing on Halloween: the carved pumpkin. If you do a search on the Internet, you will find many ideas for elaborate sculptures. With little effort and technique, you can also achieve beautiful results.

You will find the details in the video above.

carved pumpkin© Media Partisans

4. Witch fingers

Halloween is not only the day of creepy disguises and weird make-up, it’s also the perfect opportunity to test strange culinary preparations: this recipe comes at the right time. You will be on the verge of falling for apples.

Here is the recipe for witch fingers.

witch fingers© Media Partisans

5-7. 3 decorating ideas for a Halloween party that boosts!

Halloween is fast approaching and we already agree that bringing out the old decorations from last year would be outdated. So here are three new tips to make your guests shiver.

halloween decor© Media Partisans

8-13. 6 ideas to make your makeup look spooky

It’s almost Halloween! So it’s high time to think about your disguise and the scary makeup you are going to have to wear. Here you will find 5 ideas that will show you how to create disgusting sores quickly and easily. And for those who don’t like this kind of disguise, don’t panic! We also have a glitter based one that will enchant you.

halloween makeup© Media Partisans

14-19. Even more DIY decorations for your Halloween party

Going for a little Halloween party? Thinking of inviting friends over for a nice horror night? Here are 6 scary DIY ideas to decorate your home for the occasion and make all your guests shiver with fear.

DIY decorations for Halloween© Media Partisans

It doesn’t matter who rings your doorbell this Halloween this year and yells “candy or spell” at you, you and your house will make a spooky impression. We wish you in advance a beautiful Halloween party that is both spooky and fun at the same time!

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